
Macabre crime in Mendoza: a Korean man confessed that he murdered and buried his partner and then wanted to poison himself

After 2:00 p.m., the discovery of the body of a woman was confirmed (Diario Mendoza)
After 2:00 p.m., the discovery of the body of a woman was confirmed (Diario Mendoza)

The town of Nueva California, in Mendoza, was the scene of a brutal crime after a man of Korean nationality confessed to having murdered and buried his partner. According to police and judicial sources, the assailant attacked the woman after an argument and after killing her he buried her in a well on the farm where they worked. After committing the act he tried to poison himself with a herbicide, however he was transferred to a hospital in the area to be treated.

Is about Kim Seongjim34, who is now hospitalized out of danger after confessing to having killed his partner kyungja yoo, 49 years old. He femicide It could be known after the alleged murderer told a friend what happened, who called 911 to report the incident.

According to this man, who is also a translator, Kim would have argued with his partner, to whom he was not married, because she no longer wanted to be with him, he dragged her and hanged her and then buried her on the farm, after which she ingested the herbicide which was used to cure plants.

In the community they had put up posters because they believed that the woman had gotten lost (Diario Uno)

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Upon learning of the fact, police personnel went to a house located on the Don Pedro farm, on Sullivan and Onetto streets, in the department of San Martín. The place is an area known as the ‘Farm of the Koreans’, since about fifty South Koreans live and work there, in the production of almonds and walnuts.

Upon arrival, the officers began to rake the indicated area, spotting a recent excavation and a mound of earth 1.80 meters long to the west of the walnut farm. The earth seemed disturbed in comparison to the rest of the terrain and there was an abundant nauseating smell.

After hours of work, and after the arrival of personnel from the Scientific Police, experts in Anthropology and Firefighters, after 2:00 p.m., the discovery of the corpse of a woman in a state of decomposition inside a ditch was confirmed.

The attacker remains hospitalized at the Perrupato Hospital (NA)

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According to the police sources, the entire event was recorded on the security cameras, where the experts were able to see how the murderer dragged the woman into the house, and then came out with the body to bury it. In addition, in the same filming you can see the moment in which the femicide carries her victim and takes her away.

In this sense, Deputy Commissioner Pérez, from the 39th Police Station, indicated that in the film records seized by Technological Crime police personnel, it can be seen that last Friday afternoon, the woman was sleeping in the feeder, when The man appears who climbs on top of her and literally hangs her.

Currently, after the confession, the attacker remains hospitalized in the Perrupato Hospital and awaits the indictment by the prosecutor on duty, along with the possible statement with a translator since he does not speak Spanish.

As for his health, the doctors explained why the man did not die from consuming the herbicide: “He took a single drink of poison, not a considerable amount to die, for which the damage is minimal and he only suffered irritation in the throat and He is in police custody.”

From that rural area, the neighbors commented today that the members of the South Korean community “are closed, friendly people and little was known about them since they do not speak Spanish or have children to interact with the school community”, but they do agree that ” They are very hard workers and there were never any conflicts”.

There, on that farm with the production of almonds and walnuts located between the towns of San Martin and Lavalle, more than 50 kilometers from the provincial capital, “there were posters attached with the lady’s photo, because they thought she had gone for a walk and it was lost”, commented in the neighborhood.

Personnel from the San Martin Prosecutor’s office intervene, who already summoned two Korean men who lived on the same farm to take statements from them.

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