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Macri receives Larreta in Villa La Angostura and deepens the PRO internship

Mauricio Macri and the head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodriguez Larretathey will once again share a meeting alone at the residence where the former president spends his vacations in Villa La Angostura. It is the third meeting in the span of a month, after the meetings on December 31, 2022 and January 6 of this year.

The series of meetings carried out by the former president, Mauricio Macri, including the current one with Rodriguez Larretaare framed in “a round of recognition of space referents to outline a joint strategy, facing this year’s elections”, they explained in the environment of the PRO leaders.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Mauricio Macri. Source: (Infobae).

According to sources close to the political space, the key to the meeting will be the “long-awaited photo” that reveals the position of Rodriguez Larreta “together with Mauricio Macri”. However, from the environment of the former president they assure that “there will be nothing defining”, and that it is “nothing more than a meeting to chat in a relaxed way”as he did with Patricia Bullrich the week before.

In the race for the candidacy of the PRO within Together for Change, no one is encouraged to rule out Macri himself, who has not yet been defined in that sense. For now, his role is limited to meetings with different referents of the space, and prepares his trip to La Pampa to support Martín Maquieyra, in the first elections of 2023.

Mauricio Macri, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Patricia Bullrich. Source: (Infobae).

The formal presentation of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, as a candidate for president for the PRO, will take place “between the end of February and the beginning of March”assured in the environment of the Head of Government of Buenos Aires.

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