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Macron & Co: until when?

April 17 at 8 p.m. Macron spoke, but he had nothing to say. No announcements, just warm intentions. He dared all the same: “Nobody, especially me, can remain deaf to this demand for social justice and the renovation of our democratic life. » One wonders what degree of cynicism must be reached to come and talk about appeasement and feign an outstretched hand after having fractured the social body, crushed Parliament and the intermediate bodies, bludgeoned the demonstrators, and reduced the citizen people to an irrational crowd .

Macron on TV: how to reproduce the miracle of Notre-Dame?

He has four years left in his mandate, an endless day for the French. How are we going to bear it? How can we get past these strike days, these evenings of anger, these calls for withdrawal that have been useless? France opposed. Macron despised her.

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Remains an incandescent country in the face of a charred power. And this nagging question: how to last four years?

How to hold on when you’re disgusted?

Sickened by Macron, his arrogance, his glory, his chatter. How to respect a head of state who has methodically shattered all the democratic aspirations of this country?

Disgusted by the legislative contortions of a government which took shelter behind the text of the Constitution the better to violate its spirit.

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Disgusted by the unprecedented repression of the demonstrations, by the brutality of the “maintenance of order” causing disorder, by the Pavlovian inability to understand this simple idea: an act of violence committed by a quidam is perfectly reprehensible, the same act committed in the name of the State is all the more so.

Sickened when unnecessary ministers se pavanent at the Jay-Z concert at Louis Vuitton one evening when millions of French people gnaw their spite.

How to support them?

How to support Olivier Dussopt, Minister of Labour, who lied so much to get his text across? He who spread the fable of the 1,200 euros minimum pension, before explaining all the shame drunk that he had never said what everyone had heard. He who presented himself as a man of the left to make the French swallow a law of major social regression. He who reclassified Eric Besson to the rank of amateurs on the scale of treachery.

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A minimum pension of 1,200 euros? Why are we so far

How to support Darmanin, minister of internal canards (“Libé” recently identified 11), who found Le Pen too « molle »and who is always busy inventing muddy concepts to target the left, against the so-called “eco-terrorists”and lately the admirable League of Human Rights?

How can you support Olivier Véran, spokesperson for a government that has none, who says everything and its opposite with the serenity of someone who has traded the Hippocratic oath for a hypocritical mission?

How can you support Marlène Schiappa who has smeared and made the Observatory of Secularism disappear, the better to squander public money in the scandalous Marianne fund which has been used to make political propaganda tweets and videos?

How can we support Sarah El Haïry, who is familiar with nothingness with each attempt to explain her plan to involve young people in a paramilitary service project?

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How to support Eric Dupond-Moretti, Minister of Justice indicted who makes arms of honor at the National Assembly?

How to support Pap Ndiaye, a brilliant historian who dumped his intellectual magisterium for a ministry under supervision, he whose politeness is matched only by the brutality of the politics he endorses?

Let’s move on to the others. This power is unbearable. A redesign would do nothing. Macron will promise once again that he has understood. He will play ministerial musical chairs. He will try some poaching. In vain. We won’t believe it, because we can’t take it anymore.
And when he has finished exasperating all that the country has of reasonable, moderate people, who swallow grass snakes for the sake of the common good, when he will have before him only the noise and the fury of betrayed citizens, then he will understand that the people are everything and nothing without them.

This is, in fact, the only relevant question: when?

Emmanuel Macron, an atmosphere of end of reignChronicle of the cultural battle, it’s every week alternating with Béligh Nabli.

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