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Macron in Charente-Maritime: dozens of demonstrators present

Despite a prefectural decree prohibiting any « manifestation » et “crowd” around the Palissy high school in Saintes, in Charente-Maritime, where Emmanuel Macron is traveling this Thursday, May 4, dozens of opponents of the pension reform gathered early in the morning outside the security perimeter to voice their opposition to pension reform.

Pans, boos… Macron and his ministers heckled with each trip since the pension reform

Quartered about 500 meters from the establishment, equipped with pots and whistles, flags in the colors of the CGT or La France insoumise, the demonstrators brandished signs from the first morning « Macron destitution » or “Angry vocational high school staff”.

The sequel after the ad

Macron heckled during his travels

On April 20, the CGT also cut the power during a visit by the president to a college in Hérault. Since then, generators have been installed to deal with any eventuality.

Emmanuel Macron made the trip to Saintes to present the reform of the vocational high school. The Head of State has continued his field visits at the rate of one to two outings per week since the promulgation of the reform.

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