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Madeleine McCann case: Reveal new information about the kidnapping of the girl

Next May 3 will be the 16th anniversary of the disappearance of Madeleine McCanna little girl of English origin who was allegedly kidnapped while vacationing with her family in Portugal and since then there is no information about what happened to her.

The case has returned to the front pages after a young woman of Polish origin, Julia faustynaI would say that I had strong suspicions of being Madeleine McCann due to her life history and the physical similarities she has with the missing minor, however, a DNA test ruled out this possibility.

In The Truth News We reported that Madeleine McCann’s parents reacted to the results of this DNA test, who ruled out that Julia was their missing daughter. In this sense, they said that they remained skeptical all the time and that any new information will be released by the police.

Reveals new information about the Madeleine McCann case

Madeleine McCann disappeared 16 years ago

a few days from that 16 years have passed since the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, the girl’s parents pointed out that there was a detail that until now had not been revealed to the public, which could have been key to the kidnapping of their daughter. Kate, Madeline McCann’s mother She explained that every night she ate out with her husband.

However, the detail that could be key to the case is that the waitress at the restaurant where they dined knew at what time and at which table they sat each night, since Mrs. McCann indicated that they moved that table away because it was close to the apartments and so They could take care of their children.

“Now we bitterly regret it and we will do it until the end of our days,” explained Kate McCann, who indicated that the restaurant’s reservation book was open at the entrance of the establishment, that is, it was available to anyone, so could have been useful for kidnapper.

It may interest you: They reveal the DNA test of Julia Faustyna, who claimed to be Madeleine McCann

What happened to Madeleine McCann?

The Madeleine McCann case remains a mystery

madeleine mccann disappeared in a hotel in Portugal, in the Algarve area, where she was with her family on May 3, 2007. Since then, all kinds of theories have been launched about the case, such as that she was kidnapped by a network of drug traffickers people until her own parents would have killed her. None of this has been verified and the minor still does not appear.

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