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Maduro accuses the “extreme right” of receiving US funding to generate violence

Maduro accuses the "extreme right" of receiving US funding to generate violence

Drafting.- The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, accused sectors of the “extreme right” of receiving financing from the United States to generate violence and “fill society with hatred” in the South American country, for which he asked the military to “prepare” for “protect” the people and “defend the right to peace.”

«Sectors of the extreme right (…), financed by the gringos, are trying to fill society with hatred again to lead us to a conflict (…), to a war of dogs (…) and again try to provoke violence destructive,” said the president during an act commemorating the 86th anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB, militarized police).

During the activity, broadcast by the state channel Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), the head of state maintained his accusation against opposition sectors of “trying” to generate the violence that -he pointed out- took place in 2014 and 2017, when there were multiple anti-government protests. in the country.

“We have to tell the sectors that want violence and that are spreading hatred (that) they will not happen, they will not return. We are today more and more prepared to defend the right to peace”, he said.

In this sense, he ordered the National Guard to “professionalize” and “increasingly train”, adopt the “best technology in the world” and “always prepare to protect” the Venezuelan people and “preserve peace and defend the right to peace.” ».

Last July, Maduro assured that the candidates for the opposition primaries on October 22, in which the standard-bearer who will compete against Chavismo in the 2024 presidential elections will be defined, seek a “war” and the “economic destruction” of the country. .

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