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Maduro appears 13 times on the electoral card, the PUD remains in the center

Maduro appears 13 times on the electoral card, the PUD remains in the center

CARACAS.- The dictator Nicolas Maduro appears 13 times in the electoral card that will apply for the next presidential elections of Venezuela on July 28 of this year, according to the selection process that began National Electoral Council (CNE) this week.

Maduro, who is the candidate of the parties that make up the so-called Great Patriotic Pole (GPP), occupies the entire first row of the card, as well as two places to the left of the second row. The official’s card United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) It will be in the upper left corner.

In the center of the second row was the card of the Democratic Unity Table (MUD)which currently includes the diplomat Edmundo González Urrutia, who was registered by the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) – which absorbed the MUD card – as what is called in Venezuela a “cover candidate” while the opposition coalition decides What will she do with her candidacy after the Maduro regime blocked the registration of the academic and philosopher? Corina Yoriswho had been selected as a unitary representative after the disqualification of Maria Corina Machado.

The cards of the Movement for Venezuela (MPV), Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT) and Fuerza Vecinal (FV), which nominated the governor of Zulia, Manuel Rosales, are in the seventh column. Rosales registered his candidacy at the last minute before the application period expired and did so separately from the PUD, of which his UNT party is a part. His critics accuse him of having betrayed the opposition alliance and allying himself with Maduro.

At the bottom of the ballot were several candidates who were registered with party cards that were previously intervened or expropriated by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) and whose boards of directors were handed over by the highest court, an organization that responds to the interests of the regime, to the so-called “false opponents” or “scorpions”, who ended up negotiating with the regime. Such are the cases of Luis Eduardo Martínez (AD intervened), Juan Carlos Alvarado (Copei intervened) or Daniel Ceballos (Voluntad Popular expropriated).

The justification of the CNE

According to the vice president of the CNE, Carlos Quintero, the criterion for choosing the place on the electoral card was the result (in votes) of the 2020 parliamentary elections.

The organizations that got the most votes had priority, Quintero said. Those that did not participate, such as the MUD, were located taking into account the date of their constitution.

Thus, the candidates who appear so far on the electoral card are the following:

Luis Eduardo Martínez (intervened AD); Daniel Ceballos (Arepa Digital); Antonio Ecarri (Pencil); Juan Carlos Alvarado (Copei intervened); José Brito (First Venezuela); Javier Bertucci (The Change); Benjamin Rausseo (Count); Claudio Fermín (Solutions); Luis Ratti (Popular Democratic Right); Enrique Márquez (Centered); Nicolas Maduro Moors (PSUV); Manuel Rosales (UNT) and Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia (MUD).

One aspect that aroused criticism was the absence of women on the electoral card, especially because the candidate who appears at the top of all voting intention surveys in Venezuela is María Corina Machado, who could not register because she was illegally disqualified by the regime. Likewise, another woman, Corina Yoris, appointed by Machado to replace her, was also unable to run due to a veto from the regime.

Maduro’s primaries

For political analyst Esteban Gerbasi, after the definition of the electoral card, “there is no doubt” that the presidential elections of July 28 “are Maduro’s primaries.”

“The card of the Maduro primaries (PSUV) Who chose the date of Chávez’s birth to hold the primary? Maduro Who chose the participants? Maduro Who finances the participants? Maduro. Who controls the Republic Plan? Castros and Maduro. Who controls the media? Maduro. Who pays for the pollsters, marketing agencies and “political” advisors? Maduro,” he wrote on the social network X.


Source: With information from Tal Cual Digital / NTN24 /

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