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Maduro expels UN human rights office

Maduro expels UN human rights office

CARACAS.- The regime of Nicolas Maduro announced this Thursday the suspension of the operations of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and ordered the departure of its 13 officials from Venezuela within a period of 72 hours.

Foreign Minister Yván Gil reported that an exhaustive review of the technical cooperation terms established in the agreement signed in 2019 with the OHCHR has begun. In addition, he urged office officials to leave Venezuela until they publicly rectify their position, which the Venezuelan regime described as colonialist, abusive and contrary to the principles of the United Nations Charter.

“This decision is made due to the inappropriate role that this institution has developed, which, far from showing it as an impartial entity, has led it to become the private law firm of coup plotters and terrorist groups that permanently conspire against the country,” says a release.

The event comes amid growing concerns about human rights violations in the country, particularly following the arrest of the lawyer and activist Rocío San Miguelwho was arrested and accused of being involved in an alleged plan to attack Maduro’s life.

In this sense, the Maduro regime is accused of maintaining “a clearly biased and partial position” and of “generating impunity for people involved in various assassination attempts, coups d’état, conspiracies and other serious attacks” against the sovereignty of the country. country, as well as against its Constitution.

Likewise, the text specifies that the Venezuelan institutions prioritized “the path of dialogue”, trying to “redirect the actions of the office” towards “respect for the truth”, although it preferred to exacerbate “the attacks against Venezuela.”

UN demands the release of Rocío San Miguel

On Tuesday, the OHCHR expressed its deep concern about the detention of Rocío San Miguel on its official account on the social network

Before the Venezuelan Foreign Minister’s statements, Commissioner Volker Türk’s office also issued a statement on the same platform, confirming that the San Miguel detention site had been identified and that four relatives had been released on parole. However, they reiterated the need to respect due process and the right to defense.

The attorney general of the Venezuelan regime, Tarek William Saab, rejected the accusations of violations of due process and forced disappearance, ensuring that San Miguel had an arrest warrant since January and that his detention was carried out in accordance with the law.

Allegations of violations of human rights surrounding the San Miguel case have generated a wave of condemnations both inside and outside Venezuela.

Source: With information from AP and Europa Press

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