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Maduro hints at an uprising of the Armed Forces if the opposition wins: We are a military power

Maduro hints at an uprising of the Armed Forces if the opposition wins: We are a military power

CARACAS.- The dictator Nicolas Madurowho is looking for his second “re-election” In the presidential elections of July 28, despite popular rejection, the possibility of a military insurrection in Venezuela arose if the candidate of the democratic oppositionEdmundo González Urrutia, is elected president, as estimated by reliable opinion polls.

Considering possible scenarios in the elections, with which he hopes to hold on to power for six more years, Maduro hinted that there could be an uprising of the Armed forcesthe main support of his regime and which he calls “deeply chavista”if the opposition wins, led by María Corina Machado, whom he accuses of an alleged plan to “delete” to Chavismo.

“I ask, simply to analyze scenarios, what would happen in Venezuela if the oligarchy of the Caracas surnames came to political power by accident? (…) What would happen with all the social, cultural, political, spiritual, moral and military power that the revolution has? What would happen? Could there be a new February 27th coming? Could there be a new February 4th coming? Could there be a great April 13th coming again?“said the dictator during a campaign event in the agricultural state of Portuguesa (center).

Nicolas Maduro: “Slet’s have a military power”

In his statements, Maduro referred to the February 27, 1989known as El Caracazo, a social outbreak that his predecessor, Hugo Chávez (1999-2013), used as an argument for the failed insurrection that he led. February 4, 1992 and that would mark the rise of his popularity until he became president in 1999.

He also referred to the April 13, 2002when Chávez returned to his presidential duties after being briefly removed from power following a coup led by military opponents.

“Chavismo is a social, cultural, political and We are a military power, let no one be mistakenOur Bolivarian National Armed Force, with its 4 components and the Bolivarian National Militia, is the military power of the nation and is increasingly deeply chavista“, Maduro concluded in an activity with farmers from all over the country.

“Anti-imperialist” Armed Forces

“They intend to erase us, they have a plan to exterminate the people,” the ruler alleged. The Armed Forces are “anti-imperialist” and “anti-oligarchic”he said, although the Constitution prohibits political proselytism within the military.

María Corina Machado, disqualified by the pro-government Comptroller’s Office from holding public office and winner of the opposition primaries in October 2023, is promoting the candidacy of Edmundo González Urrutia, nominated by the country’s main opposition coalition due to the impossibility of registering the leader.

Source: With information from AFP

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