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Maduro maintains secrecy due to the disappearance of San Miguel and 5 other people

Maduro maintains secrecy due to the disappearance of San Miguel and 5 other people

CARACAS.-Lawyer Rocío San Miguel, director of the NGO Control Ciudadano, her daughter, and four other family members and friends, are in a situation of “forced disappearance”since Friday the 9th at dawn when security officials of the Venezuelan regime detained them at the Simón Bolívar international airport, their lawyers denounced.

The forced disappearance refers to the circumstance in which an official or a person in the service of the State deprives a citizen of his freedom, deliberately hiding his whereabouts.

Lawyer José Luis González Taguaruco, from the San Miguel defense team, described the incident as “very serious, after the arrest announced by the regime’s prosecutor, Tarek William Saab, this Sunday. The lawyer explained that during the tour he took February 12 by the headquarters of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin), and the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence, Digecim, both in Caracas, they did not obtain an official response regarding the whereabouts of any of those arrested.

In addition to San Miguel, they also do not know where his daughter Miranda Díaz San Miguel, two brothers Miguel Ángel and Alberto San Miguel Sosa are; the father of his daughter Víctor Díaz Paruta, and a friend Alejandro González Canales.

“We have not found them, we have tried to communicate and it has not been possible, and we asked about them suspecting that some type of arrest may have been possible, but we do not have information on the matter either. They told us that they had no information about San Miguel or any of the people we asked about,” said the lawyer at the doors of the Digecim.

The illegal detention of San Miguel has been deplored by Amnesty International and other national and international organizations and with this the number of political prisoners by the Venezuelan regime increases.

Appeal in favor of the detainees

In the morning, lawyers from San Miguel requested at the Palace of Justice a writ of habeas corpus, contemplated in the Amparo Law, so that the detainees could be released immediately due to the illegal detention due to the absence of guarantees.

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The constitutional appeal is in the hands of the second control judge of Caracas, Haydée Oliveros, who has less than 36 hours to order the release of San Miguel and the other detainees. “She has to say the place of confinement and under whose order San Miguel and his companions are detained,” said González.

They link San Miguel in an alleged conspiracy

Prosecutor Saab, after three days, linked San Miguel to an alleged conspiracy, the fifth against Maduro but the first in 2024, which he called “Operation White Bracelet,” which he announced on January 22 and in which has involved civilians and soldiers who are inside and outside the country, in the middle of an election year.

San Miguel is the founder of the NGO Control Ciudadano, specialized in military information and which has also addressed the conflict in Guyana Esequiba.

Among those involved by the regime are the three Vente Venezuela coordinators, party of the opposition presidential candidate María Corina Machado, who had been in forced disappearance for more than a week, but who this Monday began to be presented in court.

There is also journalist Sebastiana Barráez, a specialist in military sources, and Vice Admiral Mario Carratú Molina, both outside the country.

During the press conference that the prosecutor of the Chavista regime gave on January 22 to announce the alleged conspiracy, he announced that “16 arrests are missing.”

Source: With information from TalCual

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