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Maduro regime arrests Maria Corina Machado’s head of protection

Maduro regime arrests Maria Corina Machado's head of protection

CARACAS.- The political platform Come Venezuela denounced the “kidnapping” of the Head of Protection of Maria Corina MachadoMilciades Avila, by the regime of Nicolas Maduro in the early hours of July 17, an event that occurred after the events at the restaurant in La Encrucijada, Aragua, where Ávila prevented the presidential candidate from being attacked Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia.

“This morning, regime officials forcibly entered the house where he was staying, violating all legal procedures,” Vente Venezuela wrote on the social network X, demanding Ávila’s immediate release.

During their tour of the country, both Machado and González Urrutia stopped at the La Encrucijada restaurant to buy food and continue their tour. However, supporters of the Nicolás Maduro regime showed up at the restaurant and tried to physically attack the opposition leaders while shouting insults.

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Alert to the international community

The opposition leader issued a statement on her social media to alert the international community about the dictatorial attack that has been launched against the opposition.

“There are dozens of witnesses and videos that prove that this act was a planned provocation to leave us without protection 11 days before July 28. I am issuing an ALERT to the world about Maduro’s escalation of repression against those who work in the Campaign or help us anywhere in the country. Maduro has made violence and repression his campaign,” he wrote.

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Decoration for the aggressors

The pro-government Legislative Council of Aragua decorated the women who insulted Machado and González Urrutia, saying they are “patriotic women”

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Maduro regime attacks businesses visited by the opposition

The La Encrucijada restaurant was also closed after the visit by Machado and González Urrutia. Four officials from the National Integrated Service of Customs and Tax Administration proceeded to inspect and close the establishment.

Since Machado began his tours to encourage citizen participation and promote González Urrutia’s candidacy, his visits have been marked by “punishment” of hotel and restaurant owners or the retention of equipment used in rallies.


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