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Maduro threatens bloodbath in case of electoral defeat

Maduro's fear of a crisis in his regime is much worse than what he shows

MIAMI- The dictator Nicholas Maduro He gave a speech from a working-class area of ​​Caracas, in which he emphasized that his “re-election” in the elections of July 28 is essential to avoid, according to him, a supposed conflict in Venezuela.

“The destiny of Venezuela in the 21st century depends on our victory on July 28. If you don’t want Venezuela to fall into a bloodbath, into a fratricidal civil war“The product of the fascists, we guarantee the greatest success,” Maduro said in a televised message on the state channel, trying to instill fear in the population to consolidate his control.

The Venezuelan leader also said that “the more resounding the victory, the more guarantees of peace we will have. The more resounding the votes, the more guarantees of future we will offer to these girls, to these boys,” using the promise of peace as a tool to obtain electoral support, in view of the Venezuelan presidential elections called for this coming July 28, despite the fact that during Chavez’s government the population has become impoverished and has registered the largest exodus of Venezuelans, eight million.

Maduro’s speech reflects a desperate maneuver to stay in power. Edmundo González, along with María Corina Machado, have managed to intimidate Chavismo with their growing popularity and their firm discourse on the need for political, economic and social change in Venezuela.

Source: DLA EDITORIAL/With information from El Comercio of Ecuador

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