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Maduro’s dictatorship would have entered Chile to kidnap a former political prisoner

Maduro's dictatorship would have entered Chile to kidnap a former political prisoner

MIAMI_ The former Commissioner of Security and Intelligence of Juan Guaidó, Iván Simonovis, reported that officials of the Military Police (DGCIM) of the Nicolás Maduro regime, allegedly captured a lieutenant Venezuelan colonel.

“Early this morning, DGCIM officials posed as Chilean immigration officials and kidnapped Lt. Ronald Ojeda Moreno. His whereabouts are unknown,” Simonovis warned.

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Local media in Chile announced that four individuals, pretending to be members of the Investigative Police (PDI), entered an apartment located on Calle El Molino, in the commune of Independencia, and allegedly captured Lieutenant Ronald Ojeda.

Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Ojeda had political asylum in Chile as a Venezuelan exile, according to a statement by deputy Andrés Jouannet.

Chile confirms the “kidnapping”

The Chilean government confirmed the kidnapping of the Venezuelan citizen and decreed the strengthening of its borders to prevent him from being taken out of the country.

The Vice Minister of the Interior, Manuel Monsalve, reported after an emergency meeting in the government palace the kidnapping of the Venezuelan early Wednesday morning.

“The first thing I want to report is that there was indeed a kidnapping of a Venezuelan citizen during the early hours, as I believe is public knowledge, in the commune of Independencia” in Santiago, Molsalve told the press.

The meeting at the government palace was attended by the Minister of the Interior, Carolina Tohá, of Foreign Affairs, Alberto Van Klaveren, and of Justice, Luis Cordero.

The undersecretary acknowledged that in light of this fact “the government takes charge of all the hypotheses” that have arisen in this case, which is why he raised an alert with Interpol and decreed the protection of the borders.

“The government takes charge of all possible hypotheses. In this context, during the morning the Government has asked the police to reinforce border controls, both the Carabineros (police) and the PDI (Investigative Police),” said Molsalve. .

Also, the official added, “it has been requested to raise an Interpol alert, a matter that has already been done.”

However, Molsalve emphasized: “The responsibilities, motivations and hypotheses regarding a crime of this complexity must be confirmed or discarded by the Public Ministry within the framework of the investigation.”


Given the event, deputy Andrés Jouannet expressed his concern about the kidnapping of Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Ojeda.

“If the information is confirmed that Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Ojeda, who is a Venezuelan political exile, and has political asylum in Chile, has been kidnapped in Chile, and that he has been kidnapped by the Maduro dictatorial regime, It is not only a serious situation, but it speaks of today in Chile we are infiltrated by Chavista groups that are operating in Chile, and that are operating freely, the situation is extremely serious, If this is confirmed, the Chilean government has to take an initiative regarding our diplomatic relations with Venezuela, because this cannot be allowed, for a dictatorship to come and act with its secret police in Chile, it seems very serious to me and the government has to give an explanation for this,” said Jouannet on his social network X.

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For her part, the Venezuelan activist Tamara Suju stated in her account X that the lieutenant “would already be in Caracas.”

“Attention @GabrielBoric. In the early hours of today, Lt. RONALD OJEDA MORENO was kidnapped at his residence in Chile, by an armed commando disguised as an immigration police whose true identity is presumed to be the #DGCIM in Venezuela. Recently, the Venezuelan tyrant demoted this officer. The information I receive is that he would already be in Caracas. WHAT HAPPENED HERE? Do police agents of a dictatorial regime go looking for a persecuted person in another country just like that?

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Who is the lieutenant captured by the Maduro dictatorship?

According to Infoabe, Venezuelan Lieutenant Colonel Ojeda is a former political prisoner of the regime, imprisoned in Ramo Verde in November 2017. “faced with the torture he suffered and seeing the opportunity when leaving a court, he fled and went into exile to Chile,” the media quoted.

Chavista prosecutor Tarek William Saab linked him to the so-called “White Bracelet” operation, which was considered by the Venezuelan regime to be an alleged attack on military installations in Táchira, which according to the regime’s fiscal entity, the purpose was to carry out an attack against Maduro. reported the newspaper La Tercera.

Source: DLA Editorial Team, with information from La Tercera, Infoabe/AFP

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