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MAGA on the rise, Florida turns red with Republican support for Trump

MAGA on the rise, Florida turns red with Republican support for Trump

MIAMI.- The match Republican of Florida formally announced his support for Donald’s campaign Trump as president, which means strong support for his presidential nomination.

On Saturday, the Florida Republicans Vote to Officially Endorse Trump Over Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haleywho continues to lead a candidacy with few opportunities to stand out in the Republican primaries.

With this, the MAGA (Make America Great Again) electoral brand is growing in the Sunshine State, while the former president’s followers work to consolidate a campaign that polls show with a high probability of success in the November elections.

According to party spokespersons, the goal is to demonstrate that a state once considered ‘hinge’ or ‘pendulum’because people voted for Republicans and Democrats, now it is red, the color of the Republicans, who have increased their advantage by almost a million in the registration of new voters.

Florida has been leaning red, and the Republican presidential nominee will likely win the state in the general election. As of December 31, 5,141,848 voters were registered as Republicans, while 4,362,147 backed Democrats in Florida.

“Trump Trains,” vehicle parades known for their MAGA fervor, are returning to action as loyal supporters prepare for the election. In Miami, these vehicles are seen more frequently in areas where a large mass of residents of Hispanic descent live.

Support for Trump

Top elected Republicans who initially backed Gov. Ron DeSantis have shifted their support to Trump after the Tallahassee incumbent dropped out of the presidential race following his poor performance in the Iowa caucuses.

However, some average Republican voters may not be thrilled that Trump is the likely nominee, but as the party coalesces around the former president and focuses on rival Joe Biden, those who have doubts are likely to end up aligned with the party’s directives, according to political analysts.

A survey conducted in December showed that Trump surpassed then-candidate DeSantis by 41 points. His advantage over the governor always remained wide. DeSantis was an important asset for the Republican position in Florida due to his record results in the November 2022 elections.

Despite the charges Trump faces in four criminal cases, his record in Florida and the state’s rightward shift give him reason to be optimistic about GOP unification and a strong general election campaign.

In 2016, Trump bested two of the Florida Republican Party’s favorite sons: former Gov. Jeb Bush and current U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, proving he was the dominant force in state Republican politics. Trump won Florida by one percentage point in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, helping him to the White House.

Florida contributes 29 delegates to the Electoral College. These delegates are vital to determining who becomes president, which is not decided by the popular vote at the national level, but by the sum of victories in each of the 50 states.

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