
Magaly TV La Firme LIVE: minute by minute of today’s program, Tuesday, August 8

The love story between Maju Mantilla and her husband Gustavo Salcedo

The love story between Maju Mantilla and her husband Gustavo Salcedo. | Magaly TV The Firm.

Rodrigo Fernandini, the ex-reality boy who succeeds abroad as a chef

Rodrigo Fernandini, the ex-reality boy who succeeds abroad as a chef. | Magaly TV The Firm.

Edwin Sierra and Pilar Gasca ended their sentimental relationship

Magaly TV The Firm. ATV.

Toño Centella took the young man with whom she was supported to Europe

Magaly TV The Firm. ATV.

Magaly Medina remembers the ampay of Fiorella Retiz and Aldo Miyashiro

Magaly Medina remembers the ampay of Fiorella Retiz and Aldo Miyashiro. | Magaly TV The Firm.

Magaly Medina reads the statement from Leysi Suárez

Magaly TV The Firm. ATV.

What happened in the last program of ‘Magaly TV La Firme’?

Magaly Medina shows the first images of ‘La Casa de Magaly’. | Magaly TV The Firm.

Leysi Suárez launches a statement after seeing her partner’s ampay on Magaly TV La Firme: “My relationship ends today”

The dancer spoke immediately after the images of Jaime La Torre, her partner, spending the night at another woman’s house in the Barranco district.

Leysi Suárez ends her relationship with Jaime La Torre.  (Source: Instagram @leysisuarez)
Leysi Suárez ends her relationship with Jaime La Torre. (Source: Instagram @leysisuarez)

How to watch ‘Magaly TV La Firme’ online?

Magaly TV La Firme on YouTube.

Where to watch ‘Magaly TV La Firme’ live?

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