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Mail from the readers: Pensions, post-Putin, obscurantism…

Retirement: what if retirees contributed?

Paris Bouttement, Asnieres-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine)

I myself am retired and yet I suggest that retirees contribute to the financing of pensions. Here are some arguments in support of this idea. 1. We have gone from 4 working people for 1 retiree to less than 1.5 working people for 1 retired person in seventy years. The burden can no longer weigh exclusively on the assets. 2. Retirees no longer pay pension contributions, even though they benefit from them (the CSG does not specifically fund pensions). 3. Most often, retirees no longer have to bear family expenses or rent or mortgage repayments. 4. Neither my generation nor the previous ones had to work 43 or 44 years, a period which risks being imposed on new generations. 5. Small pensions below 1,200 euros would be spared (1,600 euros for tenants and those repaying their mortgage). 6. Unions will not necessarily oppose this idea, which would be appreciated by workers. 7. This measure will cost businesses nothing, so there should be no objection from employers. (“The senior employment conundrum“, L’Express of December 22).


Dominique Meyer, Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine)

We already have to think about the post-Putin period and, unfortunately, we risk having to choose between the plague and cholera. If he falls, we will witness an internal struggle between Prigojine and Kadyrov, two beasts ready to kill each other for power, resulting in a civil war that will ravage Russia. If he remains at the top despite his mistakes, Ukraine will have to be rebuilt and the Americans will see an additional opportunity to establish their hegemony over Europe. Between two evils, you have to choose the lesser, they say, but both will lead to catastrophes that the Kremlin sorcerer’s apprentice will have provoked. (“Ukraine: The rock star turned drone pilotL’Express of December 22).


Paul Brenner, Flexbourg (Bas-Rhin)

The evocation of “Bach flowers” and “lithotherapy” should encourage us to meditate on this sentence by Friedrich Nietzsche: “Convictions are more dangerous opponents of the truth than lies”. (“The New ObscurantistsL’Express of December 22).

“Gender Dystrophy”

Bernard Lipp, Dole (Jura)

As often, Abnousse Shalmani puts his finger on social issues with a lot of common sense and honesty. Thus, “gender dystrophies” are more and more numerous and their management more and more irresponsible. The laxity of certain countries and certain medical circles contributes to this agonizing evolution. Moreover, the politicization of these postures is appalling. We rightly denounce the consequences of hormonal modifiers, of the breeding of chickens subjected to hormonal treatments, but, according to its thurifers, a hormonal treatment prescribed to a prepubescent adolescent to satisfy his existential malaise would have no deleterious consequences in the medium and long term ? I hope a few resounding lawsuits will change the fear of camp! (” The unbearable lightness of dealing with the trans issue“, L’Express of December 15).

The right in question

Bertrand Da Pozzo, Villeurbanne (Rhône)

The close result for the Republicans in the presidency shows that there is a lot to do in view of the next presidential election. If the time for elections is still far away, the right must take advantage of this time to acquire an ideological corpus in tune with current society. An example: knowing that the President of the Republic cannot stand for re-election in 2027, the question of institutions is once again coming into the debate as twenty years ago. Is it better to return to the seven-year term, not to vote for the deputies in stride as before, to allow the president to serve a third term or to change nothing? This is a good question for a referendum. (“LR: a straight line under construction“, L’Express of December 15).

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