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“Make me yours”: the controversy of $500 million to buy jars of intimate gel

Wednesday, January 4, 2023 | 10:45 a.m.

As explained by the Buenos Aires Ministry of Health, the purchase of intimate gels is to “help or facilitate” anal sex among young people.

The purchase was made with a budget item reallocation that was published on the official purchasing site of the Province. The document stipulates that the administration of Axel Kicillof will pay $500 for each pot to the Farmacoop company, for a total of one million units.

In the official file detailing the budget reallocation for said purchase, it was remarked that “the use of lubricating gel reduces the chances of condom breakage when having sexual relations and thus avoid sexually transmitted diseases.”

When the news broke, representatives of Together for Change criticized the Buenos Aires government. “New program ‘Make me yours’ by Axel Kicillof: he spent $500 million to buy jars of intimate gel. Believe it or not, these are the priorities of Kirchnerism, ”said the national deputy Diego Santilli who carries out his work as deputy head of Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, on his social networks.

Javier Milei for ElCronista.

“The priorities of the people of Buenos Aires go elsewhere. A government more focused on work, production, works, education and security is needed,” added the opposition mayor of Tres de Febrero, Diego Valenzuela.

For his part, Minister Kreplak made his discharge in the same way: “We are managing, complying with the law and caring for our population. The purchase of sexual health prevention and care items is not something new. It has always been done and all inputs have to be provided by the State. Nothing surprises. They misinform and confuse”.

“Make me yours”, the indications that the products will carry.

The minister stressed that the “Make Me Yours” program meant “a saving for the Buenos Aires State”. In this sense, he said that the reference price taken by the Province is $500, when in the market these gels are available for “almost $2,000”.

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