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Male chicks illegally killed abroad? NGOs file a complaint

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung

Osnabruck (ots)

Male chicks illegally killed abroad? NGOs file a complaint

Osnabruck. A hatchery from North Rhine-Westphalia apparently exported tens of thousands of male chicks abroad and had them killed there. As the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (NOZ) reports, several non-governmental organizations have now filed a complaint. They suspect that the process violated the ban on killing chicks in Germany, which has been in effect since the beginning of 2022. Before the ban, several million male chicks from laying hen lines were gassed directly after hatching every year.

The State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection, which is responsible for animal welfare issues in North Rhine-Westphalia, confirmed to “NOZ” when asked that a hatchery had reported back to the authority that it had brought chicks across the state border to be killed. The authority did not say which company was involved. The organizations Foodwatch, Animal Society and German Legal Society for Animal Welfare Law have filed a complaint against unknown persons, according to the “NOZ”.

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Original content from: Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, transmitted by news aktuell

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