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Malena Villa arrives with “Fuiste”, her new release

Malena Villa presents his new song “You were”, a preview of his next album due out in the middle of this year. The song produced by Renzo Luca and composed by herself is now available on all digital platforms and has a video clip made by Agustin Portela where we see Malena with her band in a parallel reality, submerged on the screen of a karaoke.

This first material anticipates its new facet pop that he is building for his new album, with a forceful sound loaded with guitars and attitude. In the first person, Malena explains the concept of this latest release:

“You went it seems like he’s talking to someone else, but he’s actually talking to me. I wrote it thinking about all the things that someone who loved me and from where I left could tell me. I think it’s me talking to myself about many of the difficulties I may have to open up and connect with myself”, says the artist.

(Malena Villa will be performing for the first time at the Vorterix Theater on May 31)

The next may 31Malena Villa will be performing for the first time at the Teatro Vorterix from the city of Buenos Aires, where he will share with the public this new release and some more previews of the new album, also touring his career with great guests. Tickets available through Allaccess.

He will also be opening the show for Alicia Keys at the Movistar Arena on Sunday, May 7 with sold out locations.

This new work by the composer adds to the debut album “The negation” in 2020 and his two EPs “Not so good” y “Not too bad” in 2021. During 2022, the Argentine actress and singer participated in the festivals Lollapalooza, Primavera Sound, Quilmes Rock, Cosquin Rock in Cordoba and Harlem Fest in Santa Fe.

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