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Man buys used router: access hundreds of sexual files of its former owner

Privacy in the internet age is a concern for users, since it seems that there is always a record of absolutely everything we do and there is a group of people who would prefer that their things remain secret, as this fear has come true. when a man ran into hundreds of sex files someone else.

The Apple Time Capsule was launched on the market with the aim of offering Apple company customers a single device with which they could manage their entire home network, from serving as a router to distribute internet at home, to having their own storage and be used as a shared hard drive on the same network.

This User’s Incredible Secrets Were Revealed When Someone Else Bought His Router Years Later

The story of the man who got this “gold mine” is truly curious, because he bought the Apple Time Capsule for a little more than 10 dollars in a second-hand sale and he planned to use it in his own house, but when installing it he got all kinds of of secrets from its previous owner.

Through his TikTok account, @dankeunextgay, the German man explained “it’s not just a copy of his computer, it’s dozens of different time periods going back to 2010” and added that “There is audit history, card numbers credit card, flight information”.

The user presumes that he was a millionaire or a senior executive of a large company, but like everyone, he also had his dark secrets, as the tiktoker was quick to add “And to answer the question that I know everyone is going to ask, I was the pornography. So there you have it.”

Who was the owner of the router?

As @dankeunextgay explains, the device’s storage was meticulously organized, with folders arranged with dates, ending in 2010, but going as far back as 1980, so the owner must have been an elderly person.

“Now keep in mind that this is from 2010, so it’s probably dead by now. But, even so, the fact that he has access to this is crazy, ”said the tiktoker, who has not yet reported whether he has found the original owner of the mysterious router.

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