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Man who killed woman by mistakenly entering a home in the US is sentenced

Man who killed woman by mistakenly entering a home in the US is sentenced

FORT EDWARD.- A man who killed a 20-year-old girl by shooting at the SUV in which she was traveling when she mistakenly entered the access road to the defendant’s home in northern NY He received a sentence that could range from 25 years to life in prison.

Kevin Monahan, 66, was convicted of murder second-degree murder of Kaylin Gillis, committed in April. She was traveling in a caravan of two cars and a motorcycle trying to leave the site after mistakenly entering the long, winding road on the Monahan property when they were looking for a party at someone else’s house in the city of Hebron.

“I think it’s important for people to know that it’s not okay to shoot and kill people driving down your driveway,” Judge Adam Michelini said. Aside from the broader deterrent effect, Michelini said it’s important that Monahan remain behind bars rather than be free to harm more people.

New York judge hands down maximum sentence

The judge handed down the maximum sentence after Gillis’ father, boyfriend and best friend told Monahan and the packed courtroom about their anguish and the immeasurable void in their lives.

“Kaylin was a sweet, loving soul, something you can only hope for,” her boyfriend Blake Walsh said from the stand, before a deadpan Monahan. “Kaylin was everything you wish you could be. I can never forgive you for your actions. “I wouldn’t even think about it.”

The judge gave Monahan a sentence of 25 years to life in prison for second-degree murder, and assigned a consecutive sentence of 1 1/3 to four years in prison for tampering with physical evidence. Simultaneously, a sentence for reckless endangerment will be imposed.

Michelini chastised Monahan for not appearing contrite.

“You killed Kaylin Gillis. You shot a car full of people and didn’t care what happened, and you lied repeatedly about it. “He deserves to spend the maximum time allowed by law in prison,” the judge said.

Prosecutors had requested the maximum sentence. The defense asked for clemency. Monahan declined to speak when given the opportunity. He was led out of the room to applause and a shout of “coward” from the gallery.

Defense attorneys said they will appeal the sentence.

Source: AP

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