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Managing director leaves Hans Otto Theater: successor wanted from January 2024

After the Potsdam Museum and the Film Museum, there is now a change in personnel at the Hans Otto Theater: The Haus am Tiefen See is looking for a new managing director for January 2024. A corresponding job advertisement was announced on Tuesday (February 14) via social media. According to the city of Potsdam, managing director Petra Kicherer wants to “reorientate herself professionally”. Their five-year contract expires by mutual agreement at the end of 2023.

Kicherer has been in Potsdam since January 2019. Your position is to be filled with the participation of a selection committee with members of the Board of Trustees and “recognized cultural experts”. The application period ends on March 19, and the aim is for induction to begin in September. The theater with a 25-strong ensemble has been artistically directed by Bettina Jahnke since the 2018/19 season. It has around 160 employees and receives around 10 million euros a year, the highest level of cultural funding in the state capital.

According to the announcement, a leader with enthusiasm for theater work and “willingness to further develop the company from the perspective of innovation, digitization, sustainability and diversity” is being sought. The managing director is responsible for the management of the theater “jointly and on an equal footing with the artistic director”. “Both work together as colleagues and inform each other about all important measures and processes in their business areas.”

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