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Manchester United: Lingard empties his bag

Boud Manchester United last season, Jesse Lingard keeps a bitter taste of the end of his Mancunian adventure. The England winger still does not understand the attitude of his former club.

Lingard left Manchester United free last June

Five months that had given birth to beautiful promises. In lack of Manchester United playing time during the 2020-2021 season, Jesse Lingard had left to redo the cherry West Ham from January to May 2021. In the jersey of the Hammers, the English winger had impressed his world by being decisive 14 times (9 goals and 5 assists) in 16 games. Enough to imagine a fanfare return to the Red Devils.

Lingard du by the attitude of the club

The return did not go as he had hoped. Quickly confronted with new competition from rookies like Jadon Sancho or Cristiano Ronaldo, the native of Warrington never found his place in the Mancunian eleven (4 starts) and only played 547 minutes in all competitions. Today Nottingham Forest, the former Mancunian keeps a bitter taste of this last season in his training club.

I don’t know why I wasn’t playing. I don’t know what the problem was, whether it was politics or something else. I still don’t have an answer to this day. I didn’t even ask. I would have preferred someone, out of respect for the fact that I’ve been here so long, to say to me: ‘here’s why you’re not playing’, but I never got that answer. said the player who arrived at the age of 7 at the MU training center.

one last season difficult

The player with 32 selections (6 goals) with the Three Lions ensures that he was in good shape. These were false promises. I was training hard and I was sharp, I was ready to play these games. When you work hard in practice and don’t play at the end, it’s very frustrating. I had to digest this last year because I knew I was leaving for free the Warrington native continued.

Despite his difficult situation, Lingard wanted to remain professional until the end. I’m not really the sulking type of guy. I’m still that cheerful person with good vibes. I continued to train and do my job, I entered the game and I tried to give the best of myself. The last year has been difficult , he admitted. Since then, the former Mancunian has not returned to the level displayed at West Ham. This season he has yet to be decisive in 13 Premier League games for Nottingham Forest.

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