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Manolo Jiménez starts pre-campaign in Torreón

Accompanied by a multitude of PRI members and leaders from different sectors, he goes for the candidacy

TORREÓN, COAH.- At the first minute of this Saturday, January 14, Manolo Jimenez Salinas kicked off at the headquarters of the PRI Torreon his pre-campaign, accompanied by the first PRI member of Torreón, Roman Alberto Cepeda Gonzalez, and of Eduardo Olmos Castro, president of the Governing Board of the State Congress, as well as the president of the tricolor in the municipality, Veronica Martinez, of federal and local representatives, as well as leaders of business sectors.

The pre-candidate said that 13 years ago he began to work in the colonies, neighborhoods and on the commons and the first responsibility he had in the party was as sectional president in 2008.

Jimenez He emphasized that he wants to be governor to work for the families of the five regions of Coahuila and seek better well-being for its inhabitants.

He stressed that the people of Torreon makes Coahuila is a national power, for this reason it chose to start the pre-campaign here and make it clear that this municipality will be a priority in the project that begins today. He also greeted a man whom he said he has worked tirelessly for Coahuila and that has made the entity one of the safest and most developed states in Mexico: Miguel Riquelme.

The candidate said that since 13 years ago he started working in the colonias, neighborhoods and in the ejidos and the first responsibility he had in the party was as sectional president in 2008.

“Here we have prosperity and quality of life, it is important to take care of the good things we have, innovate and change what needs to be improved,” he added.

He started working in a colonyhe progressed and later he had the opportunity to appear as a substitute deputylater alderman, local deputy and municipal president on two occasions.

He stressed that thanks to the work of a great team, he managed to make Saltillo, the municipality that he had to govern, one of the five most competitive municipalities, sure of the country and with a better quality of life.

as secretary of Inclusion and Social Development toured all the regions, all the municipalities, He pointed out that he knows the feelings and thoughts of the people and in this pre-campaign he will once again tour the entire Coahuila territory to make clear commitments so that families live better.

He stressed that thanks to the work of a great team, he managed to make Saltillo, the municipality that he had to govern, one of the five most competitive, safe municipalities in the country and with the best quality of life.

noted that “We live in a great state, here we have security, development and employment”.

“Here we have prosperity and quality of life, it is important to take care of the good things we have, innovate and change what needs to be improved”, he added.

He pointed out that there are only two roadsthe one we are going for, a secure, developed State, with opportunities and we can improve many things, or the other path of chaos, insecurity and violence that we are seeing in many other States of the country, that is why it is a privilege to live in Torreón and live in Coahuila.

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