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Manolo presents proposals for the Laguna region

Safety, employment and health will be the priority.

Torreon, Coahuila; April 11, 2023.- During a work tour of the city of Torreón, the candidate of the Citizens’ Alliance for Security, Manolo Jiménez Salinas, presented specific proposals for the Laguna region before businessmen, merchants and civil society, where he highlighted the issue of security, popular health and economic development.

Jiménez Salinas toured the Torreón supply center, where he announced that during his government support and incentives for micro, small, medium and large companies will be promoted through the Coahuila Global axis.

In this sense, he also held a meeting with the business sector of the Laguna region, highlighting that work will be done on competitiveness, job stability and economic development through the capitalization of the new nearshoring processes, and the attraction of new national and international investments. international.

“We made it very clear from the beginning of the campaign that we have a course and direction for our state and today we were able to talk in more depth about regional programs and actions, such as security, economic development, government citizenship to strengthen transparency and accountability,” he said.

He pointed out that the proposals for the Laguna region and those for the entire state were born from the tours he has done in the entity, based on the feelings and thoughts of the citizenry, where the priority is to keep Coahuila armored.

For this, he explained that work will be done on the issue of prevention, proximity, intelligence and force, highlighting that on the issue of proximity, corporations will be trained to have a more humane police force that is closer to the people, with better salaries and benefits.

As part of his work tour, the candidate of the National Action, Institutional Revolutionary and Democratic Revolution parties also delivered his proposals on one of the main avenues of the city and met with thousands of supporters and militants on the Great Line Verde, where he highlighted the issue of popular health, with which a card will be provided for the elderly and vulnerable population to access free consultations, medicines and studies.

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