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Manuel Neira remembers the championship in bankruptcy: “Proud to belong to this group”

It was the 20th anniversary of obtaining the degree in bankruptcy and the CSD celebrated it in a big way with the Avant Premier of “To die for Colo”, a documentary that recalls the event. In the event, the protagonists of the story attended, who were happy for the instance.

© File, ArchiveManuel Neira was an important part of the Colo Colo title in bankruptcy

December 22, 2002 is a day difficult to forget for the Albos. Colo Colo rose as champion of the Closing Tournament against Universidad Católica and gave life to the mythical “Champion in bankruptcy”. The Cacique lived a difficult moment, in danger of disappearing due to the financial situation, however, Through the sheer drive and courage of the players, workers and fans, the club survived to what it is today.

Thus, as a result of the 20 years of said title, the Colo Colo Social and Sports Club made a documentary called “To die for Colo”, which had its Avant Premier at the San Ginés Theater. The event was attended by some of the protagonists of that season, who were moved by the tribute made.

Manuel Neira and his pride in being a champion in bankruptcy

One who was a key player in that campaign was Manuel Neira. The scorer did not get tired of scoring goals and allowed, in part, the Colocolinos to celebrate. In conversation with Dale Albo, Manolete stated that he was “excited to see so many well-known people, to see my teammates from 2002 and so many people from Colo Colo. I feel proud to belong to this group, to be a goalscorer in bankruptcy and to thank the CSD and Matías Camacho who was the one who promoted all this. This is year number 20 and we needed to be able to live it and we are living it in life, what a beautiful thing”.

It is that the social club added a new activity of memory and tributes, just as it was with the statue of Carlos Caszely. For this reason, Neira commented that “it is exciting. The Social Club is gaining a very large position for this type of details, small details that make a difference. We are happy because the CSD has remembered us”.

Finally, the former scorer does not hesitate and launches that this title is “the most exciting for the club at the moment. Moment of uncertainty and sadness and there we were who made history. And here we are after 20 years remembering this title that is very dear to the people”.

“To die for Colo” is the documentary that tells all the details of that historic campaign and that will come to light, thanks to the CSD Colo Colo, this Saturday December 24 on the screens of TNT Sports.

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