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Many Mexicans pray for AMLO’s well-being: Sheinbaum

Selene Velasco/ Reform Agency

Monday, April 24, 2023 | 4:39 p.m.

Mexico City.- The head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum, said that people are praying for the well-being of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a day after he indicated through his social networks that he had fallen ill with Covid-19 for the third time.

Sheinbaum pointed out that you never wish ill on anyone in a situation of illness, regardless of whether you agree with the person or not, and accused that the chief executive’s health issue is used for political purposes.

“We have one of the most beloved presidents in the history of Mexico,” he said.

“Particularly with such a beloved president, because I am sure that there are many Mexican men and women who are wishing with prayers for the well-being of the president,” he said.

Yesterday there were various speculations about the condition of López Obrador and although his spokesman Jesús Ramírez Cuevas tried to deny versions that the president had suspended his work tour in Yucatán due to some health condition, it was denied by the President’s tweet where he confirmed an illness.

The capital’s president accused that there were inventions about the president’s health condition.

“He has Covid. It seems that he felt bad and then he decided to suspend the tour and return and at the moment he could, he uploaded it to social networks,” he said.

“They use everything politically,” he added.

Civil organizations and legislators demanded that the federal government deliver a detailed medical report on the state of health of the president.

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