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Many morenistas militated in the party of “compromises and corruption”

The speech that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador gave last Saturday during the commemorative event for the 85th anniversary of the oil expropriation that he led in the Zócalo of CDMX was very similar to the one he has given in his various official or unofficial government reports.

He boasted about the achievements of his government and once again attacked the right wing that opposes the Fourth Transformation, which “always regroups when trying to carry out a democratic change and becomes flatly intolerant and even violent when it comes to social demands against favor of the people and the domination of the nation” and that in 1939 he founded the PAN, which was born “criticizing the Oil Expropriation” and brought together “all the discontent of the conservative groups opposed to the agrarian, labor and educational policies of General Cárdenas”.

It caught my attention when he referred to the 1940 presidential succession that transferred presidential power from Lázaro Cárdenas to Manuel Ávila Camacho. He assured that “From then on, the authentic revolutionary ideal and actions for the benefit of the people began to be abandoned, although it must be admitted that this alliance between political power and economic power perhaps prevented civil war and maintained social peace (… ) after the government of President Cárdenas, the peace of compromises and corruption was established”.

Why did the above catch my attention?

Because AMLO and a large number of morenistas, including those with the highest hierarchy and power, began and developed a large part of their political careers in the PRI knowing full well that it was the party of “compromises and corruption.” If they knew, why did they decide to be PRI members instead of joining one of the authentic left-wing parties that, with or without registration, have existed in Mexico for decades? If they were as leftist as they now claim to be, why did they join the corrupt PRI?

Why, depending on how old they are, were so many expriista Morenistas not active in the Mexican Communist Party (PCM) (1919-1981) or in the Mexican Workers’ Party (PMT) (1974-1987), or in the successor to both that it was the Unified Socialist Party of Mexico (PSUM) (1981-1987) or in the Mexican Socialist Party (PMS) (1987-1989)? Furthermore, why did some who jumped directly from the PRI to Morena not enter the PRI earlier? Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) that was founded in 1989 by leftists from the PRI and communists and socialists who were previously from the PCM, PMT, PSUM or PMS?

The Zócalo of the CDMX was filled again on Saturday with people who attended by hauling, superior instructions or their own free will. They were not the 500,000 that the CDMX Government Secretariat boasted in a tweet that it released at 8:11 p.m. on Saturday because, according to calculations made by experts, in the 46,800 m² of its surface, the side streets and the Portales of Merchants fit, very tight, about 200,000.

Did AMLO gain something by organizing his mass event that was paid to some extent with our taxes? I don’t believe it. His approval according to the AMLOTrackingPoll of El Economista was at 62.2% on Friday the 17th. It will be necessary to see if after the 18th it increased significantly.

Facebook: Eduardo J Ruiz-Healy

instagram: ruizhealy

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