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Many use baking soda or vinegar to wash their hair: but what are the contraindications?

Baking soda or vinegar for washing

To have silky and soft hair and fight dandruff, many resort to 2 very common ingredients in the kitchen. Grandma’s remedy is to apply apple cider vinegar or baking soda. But are they really useful and what could be the consequences?

In the shopping list there are products that are really difficult to give up. To save money and space in the lockers, a pack of baking soda and one of apple cider vinegar. Two infallible allies which are used to solve various problems at home, avoiding buying dozens of bottles. I am ideal for cleaning vegetables in the best possible wayare useful ingredients in the kitchen, but they also contribute to sanitize, whiten and perfume floors.

In certain quantities we can add them to make a warm footbath and even to treat the washing machine and laundry. Someone also mixes them to make scrubs or remedies that would help to have smooth skin. Be careful, however, because when we mix them a chemical reaction takes place which could be harmful and dangerous.

Many use baking soda or vinegar to wash their hair and make it soft and silky

Many, to avoid always using chemical products, use these two famous ingredients individually to have shiny hair and counteract the straw effect. Indeed, it would seem that the baking soda is a grandmother’s remedy to fight dandruff and oily hair, to give volume to the hair and accelerate growth. Instead vinegar could make the hair healthier and more resistant, regenerating the hair fibers, thanks to the high mineral content. So, before shampooing, you should do a gentle scrub with baking soda on your scalp. Alternatively, just dissolve it in hot water and then pour it over wet hair, excluding the ends. After rinsing well, mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 5 of water and apply along the entire length of the hair.

After shampooing, our hair could be silkier, softer and definitely less greasy. Despite the fact that many use baking soda or vinegar to wash their hair, one has to wonder if there are any contraindications or any harmful effects. First of all, it is not recommended for those with hair colored or particularly dry. Indeed, in these cases, the risk is to ruin the dye and the entire hair.

Being a product that is not too delicate, it could cause abrasions to the skin, weakening and burning the hair, especially if very fragile. Although the vinegar in some cases it could be suitable to make the hair soft, it is absolutely necessary avoid using it in large quantities. If we use the wine or non-organic one it could cause us dermatological problems, the apple one should still be used sparingly.

The pack for shiny and strong hair

If we are not intolerant we could try a fragrant compress based on apple cider vinegar and ideal for those with oily hair. For every liter of water you will need to add 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 5 drops of bergamot essential oil and 10 of lemon. While if the skin is sensitive we use lavender essential oil. Then mix the mix well and apply only after shampooing, leave on for 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly to remove all traces.

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