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Maple above $1,000: the reasons behind the explosive increase in eggs

Producers blame the commercial chain, which in turn blames higher production costs. What is the truth?

By Claudio Zlotnik

02/23/2023 – 10:16 a.m.

Any attentive consumer realized that, in recent days, the price of eggs rose more than the rest. In Argentina with a inflation 100% year-on-year, this data does not go unnoticed. He maples of 30 units became more expensive between 35% and 45% so far this month in retail stores.

A maple, which at the end of January It was around $700-$800 (according to the neighborhoods of the CABA and the Buenos Aires suburbs), now worth between $1,000 and $1,200.

The variation can vary depending on whether it is number “1” (largest) and number “2” (smallest) eggs.

Why such a jump? For now, the price delay argument is not valid here: during the year 2022, the price of eggs rose 158%, according to official data from INDEC. Well above 95% inflation last year.

And then?

From Capia (Argentine Chamber of Poultry Producers) assure iProfessional that producers are not responsible of this last increase.

They claim that they received $215 plus VAT for every dozen eggs at the end of last year, and now they receive $230 plus VAT. An increase of 7%. Well below what consumers are paying more.

The 30-unit maple has become more expensive between 35% and 45% so far this month

In the market, yes, they assure that the last heat wave significantly affected the production of laying hens. And that in the coming weeks, that level should return to normal.

“The marketing and the prices of sale to the public is from the supermarkets, it has nothing to do with the producers,” they endorse from the Capia, demarcating responsibilities for the latest adjustments.

Speculation in the wholesale market is that the rise is also due to “getting on” the wave of increases in other fresh productssuch as beef, chicken, and pork.

He beef price It rose between 30% and 40% in recent weeks, recovering part of the delay that it had been dragging on since last year. Meat became more expensive 62% throughout 2022, more than 30 points below retail inflation.

What was said above: it is not what happened with the price of eggs.

Impact on other items

The rise in eggs will have effects on other products. For example in bakeries, which use eggs to make cakes and bills, for example. It will also affect the preparation of pasta and mayonnaise.

The last heat wave significantly affected the production of laying hens

The foodaccording to the estimates of private consultants, lead the price increases, despite the regulations and the relaunch of the “Fair Prices” program at the beginning of this month.

The inflationary acceleration It is already being felt in mass consumption: sales of basic food baskets began the year with a drop, which accounts for the hit in the pockets of consumers in the midst of accelerating inflation.

According to measurements by the specialized consumer consultancy Scentia, in January, sales of basic basket products fell 1.6%. The trend of the beginning of recent years, which marked improvements in popular consumption, was broken. In January of last year, consumption had increased 1.9% versus January 2021.

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