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Maratea complicated and in the crosshairs of the IGJ: they intimidated him for alleged irregularities

This Wednesday, and while the million-dollar collection to benefit the Independiente club progresses, Santiago Maratea was summoned to present a copy of the trust before the General Inspectorate of Justice.

The influencer’s initiative, which will have two business days to deliver the documentation requested by the supervisory body, raised suspicions because the registration of the trust was made in Neuquén.

When consulted about this decision, the lawyers for Independiente and Maratea assured that their legislation was “friendlier” to carry out the necessary procedures.

However, from the IGJ they considered that this decision was irregular and that they should review it.

In addition, it was learned that the procedure was carried out before a College of Notaries, which makes the trust of a “private” nature, when, in reality, its registration should be done in the Public Registry.

While the AFIP also put the magnifying glass on the collection of Maratea, the movement has already collected more than 600 million pesos.

However, if irregularities are confirmed, the trust could be canceled and lose its validity.

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