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Marcelo Ebrard arms defense of Mexico against attacks by Republicans in the United States

In the previous chapter, AMLO warned the Republicans not to tickle the kid anymore, because he is smiling… however, these they continued criticizing his security policies, blaming him for the lack of control at the border. So, now, Marcelo Ebrard went to the United States to start what specialists call the pin#$%es consequences.

Marcelo Ebrard in Washington / Photo: @SRE_mx

“We are not going to allow them to run over Mexico”, warned Marcelo Ebrard, when instructing half a hundred consuls in the United States with the actions to counteract the criticism that members of the Republican Party have made of the AMLO government, mainly because of the issue of fentanyl distribution.

During his express visit to Washington, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard not only went to lead the diplomatic deployment against the Republicans… he also went to try to show that the Mexican government is indeed doing its part in the fight against the distribution of fentanyl. “Proof of this, he pointed out, is that, so far in the six-year term, Mexico has seized a record number of more than six tons of the chemical.” it was presumed in tweets disseminated in the account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Marcelo Ebrard showing how Mexico attacks fentanyl distribution / Photo: @SRE_mx

Last week, in the morningPresident Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) warned that, given the disqualifications that members of the Republican Party have made against his government, he had planned to put together an information campaign. So it seems that he did not stay on warning and, now, Marcelo Ebrard is already beginning with the response of the 4T government.

We do not receive orders from anyone, the people of Mexico rule here. So, I also wanted to make it clear, to understand each other”said AMLO, once again rejecting the main suggestion of the Republicans: allow the US armed forces to intervene in the fight against the cartels.

According to what AMLO warned, the instructions given by Marcelo Ebrard are only a first step. In case of continuing the republican attacks, then the thing I would go from information about what Mexico is doing against the cartels to asking not to vote for Republican candidates.

Well, let’s see how the Republicans respond. At the time, one of the congressmen who has made the most noise about the use of the armed forces, Dan Crenshaw limited himself to asking AMLO that, just as he arms campaigns against the Republicans, he should do one against the cartels.

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