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Marcelo Ebrard regrets the death of Pelé and shares a photo with “The King of Soccer”

The Secretary of Foreign Relations, Marcelo Ebrard regretted the death of Edson Arantes do Nascimento “Pelé”who passed away this Thursday at the age of 82 and who is considered the best soccer player in history.

It may interest you: Pelé, the last football god, died at the age of 82

Through his social networks, the chancellor took the opportunity to share images, two on his Instagram account, where, through a message, he recalled Pelé’s passage through Mexico during the 1970 World Cup in Mexico, accompanied by a black and white photo with the figure of the former soccer player.

“Today we say goodbye to a titan, King Pelé, who gave us magic and love at the 70 World Cup in Mexico. We admire and miss you,” he wrote.


While, in another photo, Ebrard commented that this soccer legend will never be forgotten in Mexico.

“Dear Pelé, you will always be in the hearts of all Mexicans. Your example, tenacity and passion will never be forgotten. See you soon, friend,” said the foreign minister.

In addition, in another tweet, Marcelo Ebrard recalled that he had the opportunity to see him play in 1970, in addition to the fact that, During his management as head of Government of the then Federal District, he received him as a distinguished visitor.

You can also read: The four plays that turned Pelé into a myth

The official sent his condolences to family, friends and followers of soccer legend who passed away after a long battle with cancer.


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