
Marches for May 1st, live: social and political organizations are concentrated in downtown Buenos Aires

The act began: “Get out Fund, get out”

After 4:15 p.m., the event formally began with a series of presenters who expressed their support “for all the workers’ struggles of women and youth in France” and strongly criticized the agreement of the current administration with the International Monetary Fund.

“The act of the Left Unity Front for a government of the workers. For the defeat of the adjustment and the pact between the government and the IMF, supported by all the bosses’ parties. Get out, get out, get out, Fund, Get out! Let the capitalists pay for the crisis!” said one of the young people who spoke before the main speakers.

The speakers of the Left

For the FIT-U, which will hold its act from 3:00 p.m. in Plaza de Mayo, will speak, among others, Alejandro Bodart and the closure will be in charge of Cele Fierro, pre-candidate for president by the MST. In the previous one, the leader maintained: “This government was left without arguments after the fierce rise of the dollar. The problem is not explained by either the drought or the invasion of Ukraine. What happens is that this country model is made for the rich, speculators and large exporters rule in alliance with the IMF, and the government works for them. And with Together for Change or Milei, the problem will continue or worsen. Only from the left we propose to turn everything around: we will fill Plaza de Mayo for the nationalization of the banks and break with the IMF, so that all our wealth stays here and is used for social needs”.

In tune, Bodart expressed: “The crisis of the traditional parties demonstrates the decadence of this capitalist system here and throughout the world. The country model we want is at stake, because social discontent is growing from below. On May 1st we return to the historic Plaza de Mayo because the left is the only political sector that has a real way out for the workers. We are a political project made up of workers, teachers, young people and nurses with real and substantive proposals. An alternative made by and for our class. And for this reason we also want the FIT-U to improve and change, stop being just an electoral front and rise to the level of seriously contesting the entire political and social struggle that is going through the country and opening up to the participation of social leaders. leftist and independent”.

Traffic: cuts due to demonstrations

As a result of the mobilizations, traffic is affected by street closures

As a result of the marches called for this May 1st, International Worker’s Day, in the City of Buenos Aires, traffic is affected by street cuts:

  • Av. 9 de Julio e/Av. Corrientes and Av. San Juan, both directions
  • Av. de Mayo/Rivadavia e/ Bernardo de Irigoyen and Av. Entre Ríos
  • Cerrito and Av. Corrientes
  • Av. Belgrano and Av. Entre Ríos

March schedules

Social movements will come together in a “unity” march from different parts of the city “against the conditions of the IMF”

From 10, the Social Block for Work mobilizes at the intersection of Belgrano and 9 de Julio avenues with popular pots “against the IMF adjustment” and for “an agenda for decent work”.

Also, from 11, 62 Peronist Trade Union Organizations carry out an act at the headquarters of the Union of Superior Personnel of the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (Upsafip) -Sarmiento frigate at 600-.

From 12 o’clock, social movements like the UTEP and the Evita Movement and workers’ centrals such as the Autonomous CTA will come together in a “unity” march from different parts of the city to march to Plaza de Mayo “against the conditions of the IMF”.

At 12:30 p.m., the CTA of the Argentines led by Hugo Yasky will hold a popular locro and a commemorative act at the Monteverde Development Society in Florencio Varela, where organizations and social movements that are part of the central will participate.

Starting at 2:00 p.m., the New More who drives Manuela Castañeira will hold a National Convention at the Teatro Picadero, located a few meters from Callao and Corrientes avenues, in downtown Buenos Aires, where “the call for a STEP from the left will be ratified” and an “alternative economic program” will be voted on.

And at 3:00 p.m., the parties gathered in the Front of the Left Unity (FIU) will march to the Plaza de Mayo where they will carry out a “worker and internationalist act” and in which Clément Allochon, a young French railway worker who is part of the fight against the reforms of the Emmanuel Macron government in that country, will be present as a speaker.

Emilio Pérsico: “The State makes arbitrary decisions”

Emilio Pérsico, leader of the Evita Movement

emilio persico, leader of the Evita Movement, made reference to the mobilization that the sector will carry out this Monday. “Today as it is a holiday it is easier for us to mobilize”, he expressed.

“With the government we did not advance in the tasks, which was to register the comrades of the popular economy through a social monotribute,” the leader remarked.

And he added: “There is no social parity or some form of discussion about the state of conflict in the sector. The State discusses with the other sectors but here it makes arbitrary decisions”.

The social movements will send a message to the internal Frente de Todos and a threat to the next government

They organized a march for May 1 with a strong warning: “We must prevent any government that comes from wanting to make the adjustment”

The pro-government social movements ask that the government not carry out the IMF adjustments.  It is the main achievement of this May 1st
The pro-government social movements ask that the government not carry out the IMF adjustments. It is the main achievement of this May 1st

The mobilization of the official social movements for May 1 will not be another march. It’s a battle cry forward. A show of force and call for the next government. Listening, reading the statements of its main leaders shows it. The call is against the adjustment plan of the International Monetary Fund agreed with the administration of Alberto Fernandezthe cut imposed on the plans that led to the application of almost one hundred thousand casualties in the Potenciar Trabajo program and the urgent demand for food for the canteens and picnic areas.

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