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Marcio Freire, a renowned Brazilian surfer, died in Portugal

In the city of Nazaré, Marcio Freire, a legendary Brazilian surfer who was 47 years old and who was known as “the crazy dog”, died. The athlete died while practicing in the gigantic waves of the town located on the central coast of Portugalwhere the largest water waves in the world are (some reached more than 20 meters).

Freire was a legend of Brazilian surfing.

The Brazilian was one of the first three pioneers who tried to conquer “Jaws”, in Hawaii, considered one of the toughest waves to surf in history, which is why they appeared in the documentary “Mad Dogs”, from which he got his nickname. . Several people who were in the town of Portugal indicated that he “surfed all day with a smile”, as his colleague Nic von Rupp stated on his Instagram account.

“Today we lost a great man, a very good friend and a legendary surfer, Marcio Freire. He was always in a very happy spirit and with a smile on his face,” said Fred Pompermayer, a sports photographer, about the surfer who died in Portugal. For his part, his compatriot Thiago Jacare said: “More than an idol, a true hero.”

Source: (Surf Channel)

Dozens of surfers travel to these beaches on the Iberian coast of the North Atlantic to experience some of the highest waves in life. Although this town has existed for hundreds of years, it was not until 2010 that the American Garett McNamara showed the world the universe of the giant waves of Nazaré. Although there have been several accidents throughout history, none have been fatal until today.

Why do these waves exist?

Originally, this town of the european nation he subsisted on fishing, and the region with the giant waves was considered off-limits territory for ships heading out to the ocean.

They are the highest waves in the world.

These gigantic water waves exist thanks to the Nazaré Canyon, which is 5 kilometers deep and allows more water to collect when the sea recedes due to its own currents.

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