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Marco Rubio calls Petro a Hamas supporter after diplomatic break with Israel

Groups like the Aragua Train, a threat to national security

MIAMI — US Senator Marco Rubio spoke out strongly following Colombian President Gustavo Petro’s announcement to sever diplomatic relations with Israel. In a message published on his social network X, Rubio denounced the Colombian president as a supporter of Hamas, the Islamic organization considered a terrorist group by several countries, including the United States.

“Today the president of #Colombia, a supporter of Hamas, broke diplomatic relations with #Israel,” said Rubio, referring to the decision of the former M19 guerrilla to cut ties with the Hebrew nation that persecutes Hamas terrorists after the lethal attack. into Israeli territory, leaving 1,200 dead and 250 kidnapped. 130 hostages remain in the hands of Hamas terrorists.

After the attack, the Israeli authorities persecute the Islamist group. In Petro’s opinion, Israel commits “genocide.” However, the Colombian president is complacent with the regime of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela, accused of committing more than 10,000 extrajudicial executions, according to the latest report from the UN Working Group on Forced Disappearances. In addition, he negotiates with ELN guerrillas and FARC dissidents, accused of crimes, drug trafficking and sexual violations of minors.

Rubio deeply regretted that a country with a history marked by suffering at the hands of narcoterrorists is now under the leadership of what he calls a “terrorist sympathizer” who seeks to emulate the legacy of Hugo Chávez in Colombia.

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Diplomatic rupture between Colombia and Israel

Gustavo Petro’s announcement occurred during his participation in the International Workers’ Day march.

“Tomorrow diplomatic relations with the State of Israel will be broken for having a government, for having a genocidal president… If Palestine dies, humanity dies and we are not going to let it die,” said the Colombian leader, whose administration has low approval ratings.

Gustavo Petro

Colombian President Gustavo Petro addresses people at the International Workers’ Day march in Bogota, Colombia, Wednesday, May 1, 2024.

AP Foto/Fernando Vergara

Israel’s response

The Israeli Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, reproached the Colombian president’s decision from women and kidnapped innocent civilians.”

The minister highlighted that “the president of Colombia promised to reward the murderers and rapists of Hamas – and today he kept his promise.”

Katz, in response to Petro’s decision, assured “the relations between Israel and Colombia have always been warm – and no anti-Semitic and hateful president will be able to change that. The State of Israel will continue to protect its citizens without fear,” he stated.

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As a protest against Israel, Colombia announced in February that it would suspend the purchase of weapons from that country, a measure that came after Israel said in the midst of the diplomatic dispute that it would suspend exports of security materials.

Colombia uses Israeli-made warplanes and machine guns to fight drug cartels and insurgent groups and both countries signed a free trade agreement in 2020.

The day before, the Colombian Minister of Defense, Iván Velásquez, explained before Congress that there are current contracts with Israel that will be fulfilled, such as that of the Barak missile systems and others to provide maintenance and logistical support for the Kfir aircraft.


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