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Marco Rubio warns of attempted electoral fraud by the Venezuelan regime

Rubio attacks Maduro for conditioning elections on the cessation of sanctions

MIAMI- The senator Marco Rubio He assured that the Venezuelan ruler, Nicolas Madurois using illicit tactics to manipulate the upcoming presidential elections Venezuela to be held this coming Sunday, July 28.

According to Rubio, Maduro has taken extreme measures to ensure that the outcome is in his favour, even if this means undermining fundamental democratic principles.

The senator also highlighted that one of the regime’s tactics has been to prevent Venezuelans abroad from voting, thus eliminating the possibility of a significant portion of the Venezuelan diaspora participating in the electoral process.

“We know that Maduro has done everything possible to try to steal this election. He has not allowed Venezuelans abroad to vote. He has imprisoned political opponents,” the senator said.


Another point of concern mentioned by Rubio is the Venezuelan regime’s refusal to allow international organizations to monitor the elections.

This lack of transparency has raised suspicions of possible irregularities and manipulation of the results. Despite these efforts to control the electoral process, the senator claims that Maduro faces such a large disadvantage in the polls that even fraudulent tactics might not be enough to secure his victory.

“He can’t win an election, he knows that. And that’s why they’re going to do everything they can to try to steal it from him,” he said. “He can’t win an election, he knows that. And that’s why they’re going to do everything they can to try to steal it from him,” he said.

Rubio stressed that, although the best results for Venezuela are expected and prayed for, there is deep concern about the regime’s reaction to a possible defeat. The senator believes that Chavismo is not willing to give up power peacefully.

“We are very concerned about the reaction of a regime of criminals who, in my opinion, are never willing to give up power. But we will continue to pray and hope for the best, knowing that if this is a legitimate election, the opposition will win. But they will do everything possible to steal it from them.”

Source: DLA Editorial

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