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Maria Corina Machado: Our victory is irreversible

Maria Corina Machado: Our victory is irreversible

CARACAS.- Maria Corina Machado, leader of the democratic opposition in Venezuela, asked her followers not to fall into provocations, “they want us to fight each other among Venezuelans” and they will not succeed, she said. She said that the victory is “irreversible” which caused a crowd to accompany her with applause and slogans of freedom.

Despite all the obstacles due to the fact that the transmission of her speech was “taken down”, followers on social networks have begun to offer fragments of it so that the whole world knows what María Corina Machado is saying.

Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado and the candidate of the Unitary Platform, Edmundo González Urrutia, held a mass rally in the city of Caracas following the fraud perpetrated by the Nicolás Maduro regime last Sunday in the country’s presidential elections.

Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado and the candidate of the Unitary Platform, Edmundo González Urrutia, held a mass rally in the city of Caracas following the fraud perpetrated by the Nicolás Maduro regime last Sunday in the country’s presidential elections.

On Francisco de Miranda Avenue, in front of the United Nations, MCM celebrated the efforts of all dissidents in recent hours, thanks to which “the official records were processed, scanned and are now on that portal that millions of Venezuelans have already consulted, so that the entire world knows that Edmundo González Urrutia won.”

“Let’s not stop, we already have more than 84% of the minutes,” he said, which was followed by an exclamation of joy from everyone present, while many waved their papers with the results in the air.



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