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Maria Corina Machado walks along highway in Venezuela in the face of regime obstacles

Maria Corina Machado walks along highway in Venezuela in the face of regime obstacles

CARACAS.- The leader of the Venezuelan opposition, Maria Corina Machadocontinues to overcome the obstacles of Nicolas Maduro’s regimewhich has tried to prevent his travels through the interior of the country within the framework of the election campaign in view of the presidential elections on July 28.

On Saturday morning, Machado, who was unable to participate in the presidential elections, raised his hand to the candidate of democratic unity, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutiawalked along the Central Regional Highway (ARC), the main and busiest highway in Venezuela, which connects Caracas with Maracay, in the state of Aragua (north-central); and Valencia, in the state of Carabobo (north-central); as well as with the states in the northeast and west of the country.

The first obstacle on this road artery was placed by officials of the State security forces at the height of The Tejerías67.7 kilometers from the Venezuelan capital, to prevent the advance of the opposition, who was heading to the city of Valencia, where she had scheduled a rally at 10:00 am, together with the opposition standard-bearer.

15 days for change

This fight is also for you“So that they never again arbitrarily block a highway, against the rights of citizens, on arbitrary orders from their superiors,” Machado told the officials.

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The opponent recalled that Only 15 days left for political change to take place in Venezuela, through the ballot boxes, where more than 21 million Venezuelans are called to vote, in a process in which González Urrutia is emerging as the favourite, with more than 30 points above Maduro, according to various polls.

In the middle of the walk, a woman approached him, who, through tears, expressed her support for Machado and the democratic struggle he leads. “For my son, for the future of my son, for Venezuela“I have faith in you, Maria Corina. We are all going to support you, you are tough,” said the Venezuelan.

“We are with you”

The second obstacle arose at the La Cabrera tunnel, 128.3 kilometers from Caracas. Before crossing the tunnel, which connects Aragua with Carabobo, the opposition leader gave a message to public workers who were on the road.

“This fight is for you too, for a country where the public employees have the freedom to think as they want and that only merit exists, that no one has to force them to dress in a color, repeat things they do not want or post messages on their social networks, but that everyone emerges based on their knowledge and their ability,” he told them.

“Keep fighting for us”, “Come on, we can do it”, “We are with you”, “Go ahead, let nothing stop us”were some of the messages that Machado received during his journey, before entering Carabobo in the presence of inert police officers.

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Source: With information from social networks

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