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Maria Corina’s tours around Venezuela move social media

Maria Corina's tours around Venezuela move social media

MIAMI.- The electoral campaign that María Corina Machado has carried out throughout Venezuela has captured the attention of millions of people, not only in the Caribbean nation but throughout the world. Hugs, words of thanks or the clamor of parents who want their children to return are constant in each visit that María Corina Machado makes to each of the places she visits, no matter how far from the capital they may be.

Despite the fact that Nicolás Maduro’s regime did not allow her to run as a candidate, the leader of Vente Venezuela stood firm and has managed to unite the Venezuelan opposition to end more than 20 years of tyranny and oppression of the Venezuelan people.

Many of the videos shared on different accounts manage to attract the attention of those who browse the networks, since they show a Venezuela that seeks to get out of the dictatorship and wants a change in freedom.

A few days ago, a video was shared on the social network Tik Tok that has moved Venezuelans around the world.

Here are some of the stunning images from María Corina Machado’s campaign.


From Turén, in the state of Portuguesa, María Corina Machado emphasized that the task of citizens and activists is to look for volunteers to organize the commanditos, structures that assemble the opposition with witnesses for the defense of the vote.

Come Venezuela


Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado greets supporters during a campaign event in the town of Turen, Portuguesa state.

AFP/Jose Altuvez


Maria Corina Machado said that the state of Zulia has been light for the last 25 years

Command with Venezuela

Maria Corina Machado – workers – MCM Press

María Corina Machado met with workers from basic companies in Guayana, in eastern Venezuela

Courtesy of Vente Venezuela Press


Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado in Puerto Piritu, Anzoategui (northeast) on June 8, 2024

Courtesy of Vente Venezuela


On June 13, the leader María Corina Machado carried out the first day of her tour in the state of Nueva Esparta and led a rally in the Villa Rosa area.

Command with Venezuela


Journalist Gabriel González, from María Corina Machado’s team, was one of those arrested on Monday, June 17

Gabriel Gonzalez’s account on X

Maria Corina Machado Merida.jpg

Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado at a rally in western Venezuela

Courtesy of Vente Venezuela Press


Opposition member Maria Corina Machado led a mass rally in San Cristobal, in the state of Tachira

Maria Corina Machado Campaign Command

Image 2024-07-04 at 6.59.46 PM.jpg

Photo by Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez / AP

A supporter displays a poster with images of opposition leaders Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez during a campaign event.


Maria Corina Machado and presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez – Barinas – Macorina command

Opposition leader María Corina Machado and presidential candidate Edmundo González lead a massive event in the state of Barinas.

Courtesy of the Maria Corina Machado campaign command


Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez

Press Sale Venezuela

opposition. maria-corina-edmundo

Opposition caravan, led by Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez, in Valencia, Carabobo state

Courtesy of Vente Venezuela


María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia participated in the “Return Home” event from the UCV

Courtesy of Vente Venezuela


From Guanare, 429 kilometers from Caracas, María Corina Machado called for protection so that everything goes well in the presidential elections

Maria Corina Machado Campaign Command

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