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María Pía ‘patches’ LIVE to La Carlota for wanting to drive alone: ​​”Asúmelo, they deceived you”

At the premiere of ‘Send whoever sends’, the ‘Carlotta’ was shocked to learn that she would not host the program alone, before this, Maria Pia Copello He put the patch on her and remarked that they would both take on the challenge together.

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“Why together, daughter? They told me that the program was for me alone (…) I was going to give my best to the public, but alone, Mariana talked to me, ”she said. María Pía Copello emphasized: “Look, face it, they deceived you.”

Carlos Vílchez finally fulfilled his dream of conducting his own television program, but his happiness did not last long since he was later surprised that María Pía Copello was going to accompany him in front of the camera, that was the first program of ‘Mande Quien Mande’ in which they will entertain the Peruvian public. (Source: America TV)

The host thanked all the messages they received for the premiere of the program. “In any case, who’s in charge? You? Do you know who should command? The public, ”she emphasized.

What did María Pía Copello say about ‘Send whoever sends’?

Prior to the launch of the midday program, María Pía Copello remarked that she is glad to take on the new challenge.

“I am very happy, very grateful, this is something new for me (in terms of the schedule), but it will be fun, the idea is that we hesitate. That is the idea that the public can hesitate and learn, because what I also love is learning”, the influencer maintained to the cameras of America Shows.


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