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Marijuana May Affect Testicles and Fertility | metropolises

Researchers at the Oregon Health & Science University, in the United States, found that marijuana consumption can impair male fertility, in addition to decreasing the size of the testicles. The results were published in Fertility and Sterility magazine last Sunday (26/3).

According to scientists, the person responsible for these changes is THC, the main component of the cannabis plant and responsible for the hallucinogenic effects. However, the damage can be reversed if users stop consuming the compound.

To arrive at the results, the researchers gave monkeys increasing doses of edible THC for seven months. They measured changes in the animals’ genitals and analyzed their sperm.

The scientists concluded that the animals’ testicles shrunk by approximately 12.6 cubic centimeters, or 59% of the total volume. Sperm quality also deteriorated significantly because of lower testosterone levels.

However, four months after stopping THC exposure, the effects were partially reversed. Testicles returned to 73% of their original size and semen quality improved.

According to Jamie Lo, one of the study’s authors, understanding the drug’s effect on fertility is crucial as more US states seek to legalize it.

“We can now more confidently assure patients that by abstaining from THC for at least four months, the substance’s impacts on male fertility can be partially reversed.”

Researcher Jason Hedges explains that even in moderate doses, THC can affect fertility results, making it a serious concern for health professionals. “The more we understand and define this problem, the better information we can provide patients to optimize their reproductive health,” he concludes.

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