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Marion Game, the famous Huguette of Scenes of Households, is dead

It is with Multi-faceted actress – boards, small and large screens – Marion Game was born in 1942 in Casablanca, Morocco, where she first married and gave birth to her first child, Virginia Ledieu, in 1960. Once settled in the Paris region, a few years later, she enrolled in the Simon course and began her career as an actress. In 1968, he was also awarded the Marcel Achard prize, named after the French playwright, which rewards the most promising talents of each promotion. The same year, then aged 25, she met the host Jacques Martinwith whom she will live a love story until 1972, on which she returned many times. Marion Game also had two sons with the Swiss comedian Jacques Verlier (The Road to Happiness, If Versailles was told to me…)

Marion Game, unforgettable Huguette from Scenes of households

Since 2009, Marion Game was followed by just over 4 million viewers each night in the series Scenes of householdsbroadcast on M6, in which she played the role of Huguette, alongside Gerard Hernandez, who plays the character of Raymond, a retired ex-policeman. Couple of octogenarians fond of trash humor and jokes of all kinds, they are as accomplices as they are perfect representatives of the expression “who loves well punishes well”. Shortly after the start of Scenes of households, she had begun to appear regularly in another evening series, More beautiful lifeon France 3. She played Andrée Boher, the mother of the cop John Paul Boher.

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An actress very popular with viewers

In the poster of many plays from the 1970s, she had very quickly landed supporting roles in television series such as Gil Blas de Santillane, Nana or Palace Boulevard, in which she played the role of the clerk for nine seasons. A veritable Swiss army knife of the audiovisual industry, Marion Game had also lent her voice for the dubbing of several productions – thus she was the French voice of Jane Kaczmarekaka Lois in the series Malcolmor the character of Phyllis Van de Kamp, Bree’s mother in Desperate Housewives. A specialty she passed on to her daughter, Virginie Ledieu, French voice of actresses like Mary Bello, Alyson Hannigan or Drew Barrymore. Sometimes it also doubles And Ryan. The two women were also on stage together in 2011, to play the play The Tiger Brigade, alongside Laura Préjean and Anjaya. Virginie Ledieu was also part of the series More beautiful lifein the role of Agnès Revel.

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