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Markus Söder with a devastating verdict on the Greens: "Not a very credible party"

A coalition with the Greens is out of the question for CSU leader Markus Söder in Bavaria.Image: IMAGO/Future Image / R.Schmiegelt


With the winter retreat of the CSU parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament, the Christian Socialists start the election campaign year 2023. And with drums and trumpets. In the usual manner, the traffic lights in Berlin are scolded there and the successes of the CSU worked out in Bavaria.

At the same time, both party leader and Prime Minister Markus Söder, as well as the chairman of the CSU state group in the German Bundestag, Alexander Dobrindt, make it clear what the Bavarian elections mean. For Bavaria but also for Germany. Söder also makes a concrete announcement to possible coalition partners – and makes a devastating judgment about the Greens.

For Alexander Dobrindt it is clear: The autumn elections of 2023 with the elections in Bavaria and Hesse are the German equivalent of the US midterms. The member of the Bundestag explains this at a press conference on the sidelines of the closed conference. Because at both dates will be very clear politics the traffic light evaluated.

CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt.Image: dpa / Daniel Karmann

Söder talks about coalition options in Bavaria

It is more than clear to Prime Minister Söder that Bavaria will not be governed by a “Bavarian traffic light” in the fall. The poll values ​​of the CSU are stable. Now it’s a matter of working it out further. The party leader also made it clear in a press conference: “Bavaria is satisfied with the state government.”

The goal by election day is now to expand the majority. However, Söder does not want to set any percentage targets. Instead, the CSU wanted to convince in terms of content. In this context, the Reigning Prince expresses his willingness to continue working with the Free Voters. What he rejects, however, is a coalition with the Greens.

Söder explains why this is the case as follows:

“We don’t want to work with the Greens. On the one hand, we don’t see the Greens as credible – anyone who talks about climate protection but digs coal is not a very credible party in their central claim. We also have a fundamentally different value system than the Greens. “

What exactly does Söder mean by that? “The Greens are striving for a woke society, we remain white and blue,” he explains. The green would not have a real Bayern claim, instead they would also campaign for the goals of the traffic light in Bavaria. Unlike the CSU.

Söder deduces that the compass of his party is right from the high number of newcomers. It is the Bavarian feeling that convinces many people. And, this feeling satisfies the population.

It is the confrontation that has been looming for weeks: the police have started clearing the brown coal village of Lützerath. Climate activists occupied Lützerath for weeks, wanting to prevent lignite mining. But no chance: The police arrived on Wednesday morning with a massive contingent and broke through the first barricades. However, the activists do not give up so easily, there is a risk of escalation.

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