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Marriage discussion between Cuban grandparents in Miami goes viral on the networks

Marriage discussion between Cuban grandparents in Miami goes viral on the networks

The surprising marital discussion of a couple of Cuban grandparents in Miami went viral on social networks.

“You’re all going to hell,” said the grandfather. “You’re leaving for the hell of it,” his wife responded. Thus begins this story of octogenarian “Cuban passion.”

The couple was in the living room of their house when the conflict began. They had their granddaughter present, but instead of intervening to negotiate peace, she took her cell phone in hand and started recording the altercation.

“These are my Cuban grandparents when they fight,” the young woman said, laughing.

It is a fight with words, offenses that come and go from one side of the room to the other, until one of those involved leaves, in this case the grandfather.

“Go to sleep!” said the old woman. The angry grandfather, but with the air of someone who still rules, threatened to leave the house tomorrow and did not enter her room without first saying: “This is a mess!”

In the fight they used other expletives such as “fanosa”, “singao”, “old shit” and even mentioned “three pairs of cojones”.

They generated laughter in thousands of users on TikTok, but they also provoked reflections on love in old age and awakened in young people memories of pairs of Cuban grandparents with similar attitudes.

“They made me remember my grandparents, always bundled up, but together until they died,” said one person.

Another user pointed out that the matter “is laughable but they are a marriage of many decades and almost no one is married for more than two years.”

Times change and so does the way people relate to each other. The fight between these grandparents currently has interpretations of evident domestic violence, from which none of the participants are safe.

However, for the majority of Cubans it is nothing more than a “laughable case,” because many assure that the next day they will “wake up as if nothing had happened” and will continue fighting together to keep the family together, no matter what. cost

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