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Marriage for all: “I was wrong”, recognizes Darmanin, who had opposed the Taubira law

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, admitted to having ” deceived “ by opposing ten years ago, the law authorizing marriage for all, announcing several measures to strengthen the fight against homophobic attacks, in an interview this Friday, April 20 daily ” the voice of the North “.

” I was mistaken. If I had to do it again, I would vote for the text of marriage for all”says the minister, who in 2013, then mayor of Tourcoing (North), declared that he would not marry same-sex couples in his town hall.

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“Ten years later, I was able to see that same-sex marriage, like adoption by same-sex couples, does not change anything and that the fears that had been exposed by the right, and in particular in my political family, were unfounded”he adds in an interview with the regional daily.

“The important thing is the development of the child and the love carried by the parents, whatever the family structure: homosexual, heterosexual or single parent”he points out.

Install LGBT referents “everywhere”

Noting that according to “the only figures from the national police (excluding the police prefecture and the national gendarmerie)”there was in 2022 “a 10% increase in offenses related to the sexual orientation of the victim”he cites a series of measures that he intends to implement.

Among them, the training of police and gendarmes “already in place”while “Since this year, 100% of police and gendarmes have had a module on violence against LGBT people in their training”. He assures “give yourself a year” so that “all the police and gendarmes spend at least a day or half a day understanding that there are specific qualifications in the law and that it is necessary to be able to support the victims”.

Darmanin, Béchu, Cayeux… these ministers of the new government who opposed marriage for all

The goal is also “to install referents everywhere”on the model of Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille and Cayenne, where “we put an LGBT referent in the services, that is to say a police officer or a gendarme who is specialized, trained, who advises his comrades”. ” It works very well “he assures, announcing that he will “take an instruction next season to generalize this in each of the police stations and in each of the gendarmerie brigades”.

It will also be about “map the places where there is the most violence against LGBT people” to be “more present via a video protection policy”, “more national police at certain times”but also “links with the owners of bars and discotheques who can provide information to intervene”.

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