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Martina Navratilova announces that she has double cancer, breast and throat

The tennis player Martina Navratilova announced this Monday that she suffers from double cancer, throat and breast, against which she is preparing to “fight with everything”, according to the WTA website.

“This hard double blow is serious, but still reversible,” announces the 66-year-old former player, quoted by the WTA.

“I hope a favorable outcome. I’m going to fight with everything I have,” says the former world number one, who won 59 Grand Slam titles (among singles, doubles and mixed doubles), who had already overcome breast cancer that had in 2010.

The American, born in the former Czechoslovakia, underwent checkups last November after discovering a lump in her throat.

On this occasion, doctors also diagnosed her second breast cancer, both in Phase 1.

The tennis player will begin the treatments next week in New York, according to the WTA.

Her great rival on the slopes, who has become a friend of hers, Chris Evert, revealed in January 2022 that she was suffering from ovarian cancer.

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