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Martínez Neira pointed out clandestine meetings about the future of the Bogotá metro and they ask him to retract

Nestor Humberto Martinez (Colprensa – Diego Pineda)

Leónidas Narváez, manager of the Bogotá Metro companycame out to deny that he met in a restaurant in Bogotá with Chinese consortium members who performs the work of the first line of the subway to discuss the contract, as stated by the ex-prosecutor Nestor Humberto Martinez in his opinion column on Time (ET) call “Colombo-Chinese toast to the subway”, In addition, he asked to rectify what was said in that space.

“Allow me to clarify that the mention that you make related to my presence in a meeting held last Monday, January 30, 2023 in a restaurant in Bogotá with members of the Chinese consortium in charge of the construction of the First Line of the Bogotá Metro (PLMB ), is not true. I have not been to the restaurant that you mention in your column and in no call to discuss the future of the mega-project of the most important infrastructure that is being built in the country,” said Narváez in a statement issued by the Bogotá Metro Company.

The manager of the Metro de Bogotá company pointed out that theMatters concerning the construction of the first line are carried out in technical environments as is the steering committees, where there are specialists, representatives of the national government, and the District, as well as independents that belong to the board of directors.

“It is precisely in those Committees in which we have evaluated and supported technically and legally, the inconvenience that it would be at this time to make a substantial modification to the concession contract of the First Line of the Bogotá Metro. In addition, I have stated this publicly, because that is precisely the responsibility that I have as General Manager of the Metro de Bogotá SA Company,” Narváez said in the statement.

In addition, he reminds former prosecutor Martínez Neira that at the moment there is nothing to discuss, since the contract has been running its normal course since the signing of the contract on November 27, 2019.

For all of the above, Narváez requests the ex-prosecutor Nestor Humberto Martinez to rectify these statements that he wrote in his Sunday column on Time. Well, the above can generate misunderstandings that “They do not contribute anything to a discussion as transcendental as that of the mobility of Bogota citizens in the metro systema discussion that has been going on for more than 60 years, but that fortunately the project is already underway”.

The fragment that Narváez refers to as related by the ex-prosecutor in the column of Time says: “This Monday I witnessed a lunch attended by the parties to the largest existing work contract: the Bogotá subway. The gastronomic event was held at the exquisite Pajares Salinas restaurant. But it did not happen in a private room, but in its open room, which allowed all the diners present to follow the details of the public meeting. The metro manager and his advisors attended the meeting, as well as the directors of the Chinese contractor consortium, the same ones who attended the Casa de Nariño to discuss the future of the mega-project”.

Néstor Humberto Martínez points out that “there is no doubt” that something was being arranged around the first line of the Bogotá metro:

“There is no doubt that at lunch a great alliance was being formalized for the defense of the Bogotá metro. Good news. Faced with the whim of burying it from Avenida Primero de Mayo, despite the fact that the designs for an elevated subway were delivered for its award, the Chinese maintain that they are willing to look at alternatives that do not imply modifying the object of the contract, ”says another of the fragments of the ex-prosecutor’s column.

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