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Maru analyzes security in the southern region

Hidalgo del Parral.- The State Governor, Maru Campos, headed the State Security Roundtable in Parral, which was held at the facilities of the 42nd Military Zone, a meeting attended by officials from the three levels of Government.

In the work session, the security situation in the southern area of ​​the entity was analyzed, as well as the pertinent actions to be carried out, meanwhile, the Secretary of State Public Security, Gilberto Loya Chávez, stressed that these security tables They will be taking to different municipalities to be aware first hand about the events that occur in them in order to offer concrete and immediate actions

The State Attorney General’s Office promised to continue reinforcing coordination with the other levels of government, as well as to be in close communication with them.

The Secretary of Public Security, Gilberto Loya; the State Attorney General, César Jáuregui; the General Secretary of the Government, Santiago de la Peña; District Attorney for the Southern Zone, Juan Carlos Portillo; technical secretary of the Coordination of the Security Table, Fernando Ávila González.

On behalf of the Federal Government, the state delegate of the Attorney General’s Office, Ramón Ernesto Badillo; Chief of Station of the National Intelligence Center, Óscar Ernesto Álvarez, delegate of Development Programs of the Secretary of Well-being, Juan Carlos Loera de la Rosa, as well as the technical secretary of the Parral Region of the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Victoria Espinoza Alanis; and from the National Guard came Adrián Efraín Ortiz.

The armed forces were represented by the commander of the 11th Military Region, Eufemio Alberto Ibarra; commander of the 42nd Military Zone, Alejandro Silva Hernández; Commander of the 5th Military Zone, Saúl Luna Jaimes.

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