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Maru Campos supervises paving work in Ojinaga

The Governor, Maru Campos, toured Calle Internacional in Ojinaga to supervise the works that are currently being carried out in the place, it was reported in a statement.

During her work tour of Ojinaga, the Governor supervised the progress of the hydraulic concrete paving works on International Street, one of the busiest in the town.

These works consist of the construction of a 15-cm-thick hydraulic concrete slab, trim, sidewalks, and horizontal alignment for the proper functioning of the road, which is 548 meters long and has an area of ​​6,133 square meters.

The work has an investment of more than 9 million pesos and is 33 percent complete. It is expected to be finished in June of this year.

“We are delivering important works for the Ojinaguenses, and this street is the first face of the state, and of the country,” said Maru Campos.

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